How far along am I?

Your pregnancy is more than just two lines on a stick.
Learn more with an ultrasound!

A pregnancy test checks for the pregnancy hormone (HCG). It does not tell you how far along you are. Measuring your due date by your last period can be inaccurate because cycles can be irregular. An ultrasound accurately measures how far along you are.

Other important reasons for an ultrasound are:

  • To confirm you are still pregnant (miscarriage naturally happens about 20-25% of the time)
  • To check if the pregnancy is in the uterus (a pregnancy in your tube is life threatening)
  • To check for a heartbeat
  • To see if there is normal development

Call to schedule your free ultrasound today!

Just a blob of tissue?

Have you heard your pregnancy described as just a blob of tissue? Here are some fetal facts based on date of conception:

3-4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8-9 weeks
10 weeks
12 weeks
14 weeks
16 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks until birth
1- You can see the gestational sack in the uterus.
2- Inside the gestational sack the fluid around the baby is seen as well as a small circle called the yolk sac which provides nutrition for the baby.
1- Baby can be seen on ultrasound with amniotic fluid around it.
2- The baby is about the size of a pencil eraser.
3- The beating heart can be seen as a fast flickering motion on the ultrasound screen. 4- The average heart rate is around 131 beats per minute.
1- Arm and leg buds can be seen on ultrasound and baby can be seen moving.
2- The placenta can be seen on ultrasound.
1- The baby is about 3/4 inch long.
2- Average heart rate is 170 beats per minute
3- The baby's head and body are more distinct on ultrasound and the umbilical cord can be seen.
1- Baby is about 3/4 inch long.
2- The average heart rate is 170 bpm.
3- The arms, legs and hands are more clearly defined and are seeing kicking and moving around.
1- Baby's facial profile can be clearly seen.
2- The baby's head and body are around 2 1/2 inches and the baby's bones are clearly visible.
1- The baby is 3 1/2 inches long.
2- With the technology called Doppler ultrasound, you can actually hear the baby's fast heartbeat.
1- Most of the baby's internal organs can be seen like the stomach, kidney, four chambers in the heart, and the brain.
1- All of the baby's organ's are larger and easier to see now.
2- We maybe be able to tell if the baby is a boy or girl.
3- The baby's facial feature, like their profile, nose and lips are seen more clearly.
1- Even though the baby can be seen moving for the past 3 months on an ultrasound screen, you may finally feel the baby's movements.
2- The baby is around 6 inches long.
3- The baby's facial feature, like their profile, nose and lips are seen more clearly.
1- Mom can feel more of baby's kicks, punches and squirming.
2- During an ultrasound scan, the baby's internal organs, movements, heartbeat, hiccups, facial features, fingers and toes are bigger and more easily recognized.
3- The baby will appear larger on the ultrasound as it continues to grow until birth.